Pay it Forward – Your chance to give something back and help others
You may be about to embark, or you may have just completed your voyage on one of our vessels. We hope you enjoyed it, made new friends, and got something positive from it.
We are writing to you to offer you the opportunity to give something back by helping others to have the same opportunity you have had.
You may not be aware, but Sail Training Ireland is a charity that raises funds to make the Sail Training experience available to everybody. We help those who are not in a position to participate due to their circumstances. There is no requirement to do this. It is only if you and your crew mates would like to help others less fortunate.
We have a platform called Enthuse which makes it easy for you to make a donation or to run a small fundraiser of your own or to run a fundraiser as a team of crewmates from your voyage. There is a link below to a fundraising page that has been specifically created for trainees on your voyage. Also attached are instructions on how to do it.…
Enthuse do not charge any fee for processing the donations so you can be assured that every Euro raised will go towards other young people getting the opportunity to participate in a life changing sail training voyage.
Remember every little bit helps.
If you have any questions, please contact the office on 01 845 4773 or
Thank you from the Sail Training Ireland Team.
QR Code For Enthuse Fundraiser
QR Code for Enthuse Donate